Guests: Yumi Kendall
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Kelly connects with Yumi Kendall, Assistant Principal cellist for the Philadelphia Orchestra to talk about the power of the arts and her experiences as a student in the Waldorf educational system. People often use orchestras as a metaphor for society – the idea of how much personal agency you might have versus that of …
Guests: Dr. Randy Fertel
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Kelly meets up with writer, teacher and philanthropist Randy Fertel to talk about this new book “Winging It: Improv’s Power and Peril in the Time of Trump.” You tell a great improv story in the book about Miles Davis and Herbie Hancock. “Yeah. So that took place in Sweden. I think it was with …
Guests: Alison Fragale
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Live from The Second City in collaboration with the Chicagoland Chamber of Commerce, Kelly interviews Alison Fragale, the Mary Farley Ames Lee Distinguished Scholar of Organizational Behavior at the Kenen-Flagler Business School at the University of North Caroline Chapel Hill. She has an incredible new book, it’s called “Likeable Badass: How Woman Get the Success …
Episode 460
Guests: Frederik Pferdt
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Kelly talks Yes, And with Dr. Frederik Pferdt, Google’s first Chief Innovation Evangelist. He founded Google’s Innovation Lab, where he trained tens of thousands of Googlers to develop cutting-edge ideas and taught groundbreaking classes on innovation and creativity at Stanford University for more than a decade. His new book is called “What’s Next is Now: How …
Episode 460
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Kelly sits down with Robert Wolcott, adjunct professor of innovation at the Booth School of Business and adjunct professor of executive education at the Kellogg School of Management and Kaihan Krippendorff CEO of Outthinker Networks to talk about their new book: “Proximity: How Coming Breakthroughs in Just-in-Time Transform Business, Society and Daily Life.” Although …
Episode 459
Guests: Jessica Chen
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Episode 459 Kelly talks to former Emmy award winning broadcaster Jessica Chen who is now the CEO of Soulcast Media and the author of “Smart Not Loud: How To Get Noticed At Work For All The Right Reasons.” You note early in your book that this ended up not being the book you intended to …
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