One of NYC’s greatest comedy shows of all time is back and BETTER than ever! Hosted by your mother’s favorite patron saint of the Bronx Petey DeAbreu & booked by comedy consigliere Mikala Knezevich, Better Days comedy showcases the best comedians from across the universe brought to you right here in Brooklyn at The Second City every Sunday night. The next time you’re available and want a laugh just slide thru like a drive thru and we’ll be here! P.S. the French Fries are amazing.
Second City New York Mainstage | The Second City New York Blackbox Theater
Guest Performance,
These non-Second City productions are original works created and produced by guest performers and ensembles. With limited runs, these performances allow for complete creative freedom and may feature artists of any experience level.
An always popular form in which a comedian performs their unique brand of comedy, usually with nothing more than a mic and their own courage. If you enjoy a rapid-fire night of jokes and stories, a stand-up show might be the perfect fit.
The Second City provides accessible parking and seating at every performance. Each theater is equipped with wheelchair accessible and/or companion seats.
Assistive listening devices are available upon request.
The Second City provides accessible parking and seating at every performance. Each theater is equipped with wheelchair accessible and/or companion seats.
Assistive listening devices are available upon request.