Zack Colonna (ENSEMBLE) is a comedian originally from the Philadelphia area. Currently he performs with the Second City Hollywood long form house team SHIMPO, as well as the LGBTQ improv team Baby Wine West. In addition he performs as a part of the Really Awesome Improv Show ensemble. Additional LA Credits include: Rockwell: Breakfast Club, Hocus Pocus, Jurassic Park and Vote and various Harold teams at iO West. Regional theatre credits include: Lyric Opera: The Sound of Music. Drury Lane: Spelling Bee, Little Mermaid, Peter and the Starcatcher. Ford’s/Signature Theatre: Hello, Dolly!, Olney Theatre: You’re a Good Man, Charlie Brown, Kennedy Center TYA National Tour: The Brand New Kid. Zack is also the host of the brand new LGBTQ podcast Queer Window! IG: @zcolonna, @queerwindow
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