Andrew Ritter has directed several sketch and improv shows in Donny’s Skybox including the SCTC Musical Improv House Ensemble Infinite Sundaes, IMPROVISER! (nominated for Best Revue 2010 by Broadway World Chicago) , !Lacisum, Les Murderables, Suite Dreams are Made of Keys, Actions Speak Louder than Kurds and Scarf Off. He performed in Jewsical! The Musical for The Second City Theatricals in Detroit. Andrew currently directs the Improvised fairytale Storytown at iO and has been a performer/writer with many wonderful shows/companies including: Mansical, The Best Church of God, Big News, Forte, Angerstein Street, Terra Mysterium, Dramatic Diversity, Democracy Burlesque, Cupid Players, Collaboraction, and he also teaches at The Emerald City Theatre School.
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