Episode 324
Stephanie Rogers: On Storytelling and Story Jam
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Apple Podcastsby The Second City
Apr 14, 2022
Episode 324 – Guest: Stephanie Rogers
Guest: Stephanie Rogers
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Kelly sits down in the studio with his old friend Stephanie Rogers, the creator of Story Jam: A Live Lit Show that combines storytelling and original music.
“We started with live lit storytelling. I was going to storytelling shows. I was interested in live lit because I had an acting background. And so I saw this originally as another solo show thing. I took a solo show class in Chicago. In that class, I realized this was actually a whole world.”
“There was a missing link. No one was incorporating music into the story, in the sense of a musical theatre thing. I saw an opportunity to create something new. But storytelling for us has expanded a little bit. I mean I wish it was called something else.”
“It was a great experience because now I understand things a little more from an intellectual standpoint of how to build and craft a story. And the fact that you need to start with your problem right away.”