Episode 335
Brian Elliott: How the Future Works
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Apple Podcastsby The Second City
Jun 24, 2022
Episode 335 – Guest: Brian Elliott
Guest: Brian Elliott
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Kelly speaks to Brian Elliott, Executive Leader at Future Forum and SVP at Slack, about his new book: How the Future Works: Leading Flexible Team to do the Best Work of Their Lives.
Follow Brian on Twitter and LinkedIn.
“There are different groups that need flexibility in different ways, and schedule flexibility is really important to caregivers. In the US, more often than not it’s even more important to women with children than men with children, to give them ways in which you work with your team that you can figure out some constraints around time together, every day, but also time to do independent work or to do certain kinds of work when it’s effective for you or when you’re not bearing other responsibilities.”
“If we understand that flexibility is a potential boost to inclusion, one of the principles that we use at Slack – and we’ve seen others adopt as well – is that we want to ensure a level playing field. And if you’re thinking about it from that perspective and your executive team thinks that diversity inclusion is important, then that principle can help guide people in a bunch of different directions. A level playing field can be things like making sure that those that are dialing in for a meeting have airtime to contribute equally.”
“The issue isn’t the technology, the issue is leadership. And I own this one myself. You need team level agreements laying out now how frequently do we get together as one of the questions; and why don’t we get together. And having that as a conversation is really important. But also things like how do we put some boundaries around the hours? What types of issues on this team get escalated off hours? And if we’re going to have an issue off hours, how will you be notified about it?”
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