Develop yourself as a solo comedic performer by writing and workshopping your own material. By understanding how earlier stand-up comics evolved, students experiment outside their comfort zone and experiment in a variety of styles until discovering t...
Price: 395
Location: Online
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12:01 PM, 1 minutes
Class Overview
Develop yourself as a solo comedic performer by writing and workshopping your own material. By understanding how earlier stand-up comics evolved, students experiment outside their comfort zone and experiment in a variety of styles until discovering their own unique style. Students will be encouraged to perform in local open mics when possible, and upload performance videos to YouTube or Vimeo. They will also be required to provide both supportive and constructive feedback for their fellow students.
Each week will require 2-3 hours of time to read up on assignments, respond to classmates, and create material. Though it is strongly encouraged that you attend open mics, you can record your set at home.
Students of this on-demand class do not need to log in at a certain time or day (like our streaming class students do), as on-demand class content, exercises and assignments are available at your convenience with assignments due weekly. Weekly assignment due dates are unique to each on-demand class and are typically due Fridays, Saturday, or Sundays.