Dedicated to entertaining, inspiring, and transforming through courageous comedy, The Second City is the premier brand in improv-based sketch comedy. With sold-out shows playing on stages in Chicago, Toronto, and New York, Second City’s Touring and Theatrical companies entertain an additional one million theatergoers a year around the globe. The Second City Training Center is the largest school of improvisation-based arts on the planet, with locations in Chicago, Toronto, and New York. Second City Works, the B2B side of Second City, has brought award-winning improvisation and audience-driven techniques to over 600 Fortune 1000 companies, challenging businesses seeking a more collaborative culture to innovate through development programs, original digital and video content, campaign consultation, private events, and more.
Job Duties
Job Requirements
The Second City is an open, inclusive workplace and welcomes applicants who bring along with them diverse life experiences, including every permutation of economic and cultural backgrounds, orientation, ethnicity and points of view. We strive to continue our efforts to work with people who may otherwise be marginalized or underrepresented in our business and around our community.
All candidates for this role will be asked to authorize a background check and must be 21 and older.
The Second City follows CDC guidelines and recommendations regarding safety measures to navigate the Covid-19 pandemic. To work at The Second City you must show proof of being fully vaccinated against SARS-CoV-2. Applicants with medical or religious exemptions will be considered.
Box Office