Acting 3

For over 60 years, The Second City has been archiving scripts and video from all of the resident stage revues. In this class, students will be assigned scenes and monologues from this collection to workshop and perform. When actors are handed a script, before they can start thinking about character and performance, they must first understand how the scene works. This deeper scene analysis allows actors to make appropriate choices with their performance to help fuel the engine of the scene. Once the character’s role in the scene becomes clear, the character development begins. When working with text, actors will learn to break down a script and identify emotional reactions and behavior within the performance. It’s easy to give off a natural performance when it is your own words, but translating that ease to someone else’s words is an entirely different skill. Actors will be expected to memorize scripts at this level. The class will culminate in a 40 minute showcase of Second City archive material. You must complete Acting 1 & 2 before taking this course.

Acting 3