Don't Even Think About Throwing Your Election Night Party Without This Stuff

By The Second City | Nov 7, 2016

This has been the most exciting election season of all time, and your election night party should be just as awesome. Whether you consider the impending results to be the end of our country as we know it or a return to greatness--or both--here are some things your party can’t do without.


Maybe Pabst Blue Ribbon isn’t your first choice. It may not even be your second choice. But you know what you’re getting, and there’s no reason to risk getting something skunkier.

White Corn Chips

Although there’s been more variety recently, all-white chips have returned to dominance this presidential election season (especially the "aged white" varietal). If you still have the more diverse chips from 2008 and 2012 laying around, you'd better appreciate them now before they go out of stock at the end of the year.

Hummus and Taco Dip

These international delicacies have been on the tip of everyone’s tongue for what seems like forever. Are they good for the party? Are they bad for the party? Your guests can debate this on and on, but one thing’s for sure: they deserve a chance before you condemn them. 


Y'know...the game where people define things using complete, utter fiction to make you believe them! You can describe people, concepts--even direct quotes--any way you like. If someone checks the factual answer, you don’t have to agree. That’s the fun!

Gag Gifts

We’re lucky to be able to participate in an election party. Not everyone gets the chance. And this year, no matter the outcome, everyone will end the night with a gift they won’t quite know what to do with. Do they love it or hate it? Does it inspire them...or make them want to scream and vomit at the same time? And did they, in some way, bring these lackluster gifts upon themselves? So many possibilities!

Remember, if party planning stresses you out too much and you just want to call the whole thing off, it’s too late. This is happening whether you like it or not, so try to enjoy.


Matt Wilcox (@CometRockIt) is a writer, improviser and decent conversationalist based in Chicago.

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